Botox and Dysport, both neurotoxins, have long been celebrated for their ability to smooth wrinkles and fine lines, but their potential reaches far beyond the realm of cosmetic enhancement. From alleviating chronic pain to treating medical conditions, neurotoxin injections in less common areas are gaining recognition for their diverse applications. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the lesser-known areas where Botox and Dysport can be used, highlighting their versatility and effectiveness beyond traditional cosmetic uses.

platysma bands on neck

The Neck

Platysmal bands: You might be asking yourself, what are platysmal bands? The platysma muscle is a broad, thin sheet of muscle that runs from the collarbone and chest up to the jawline. As we age, this muscle weakens and separates, forming visible vertical lines. Botox injections can relax the platysma muscle, reducing the appearance of these bands and giving the neck a smoother, more youthful look. This treatment is often combined with other cosmetic procedures to achieve comprehensive rejuvenation of the neck area.

Tech neck lines: If you have horizontal lines going across the length of your neck, you may have what are called “tech neck” lines or “necklace” lines. By placing Botox or Dysport superficially across these lines, you will notice a smoother appearance to your neck and a decrease in these fine lines.

Hands, Feet, and Armpits

Do you notice that you excessively sweat on the palms of your hands, feet, or underarms? You may have what is called hyperhidrosis, a condition characterized by excessive sweating. By blocking the nerve signals that trigger sweating, both Botox and Dysport can reduce sweating to these areas and improve comfort.

trapezius muscle


The trapezius muscle, located in the upper back and neck, is notorious for carrying tension and causing discomfort. While massages and stretches are common remedies, Botox and Dysport injections have gained attention as an emerging treatment to this area. Tension to this muscle can arise from various factors including poor posture, stress, overuse, and even emotional tension. This tension can lead to stiffness, pain, headaches, and even restricted range of motion in the neck and shoulders. Trapezius Botox helps to relax the muscle, thus reducing tension and alleviating associated symptoms.


A prominent or overly square jawline can be attributed to the masseter muscles, which can become enlarged due to factors such as teeth grinding or clenching. Botox injections can be used to relax these muscles, leading to a slimmer and more balanced jawline. This treatment is popular among individuals seeking a non-surgical solution for jawline contouring.

botox lip flip and botox gummy smile before and after


While dermal fillers are commonly used for lip augmentation, Botox can also be used to enhance the lips. By relaxing the muscles around the mouth, Botox can create a subtle lift in the upper lip, reducing the appearance of a gummy smile. This treatment can achieve natural-looking results that complement the overall facial aesthetics.

Under Eyes

Under-eye bags and puffiness are common concerns for many, often attributed to aging, genetics, and/or lifestyle factors. One option for addressing the under-eye area is to inject Botox, known as the “jelly roll” technique. The jelly roll technique involves injecting a small amount of Botox or Dysport into the lower eyelid area to target the orbicularis oculi muscle, which is the muscle that surrounds the eye. By strategically injecting neurotoxin here, the goal is to relax the muscle and reduce the appearance of the rolled, puffy under eye effect.

What Should I expect During Treatment?

If you are a new patient to Amélie Tigard or Vancouver, your appointment will begin with a consultation discussing your overall goals and areas of concern. With your help, your provider will come up with a comprehensive treatment plan for you based on your goals and their recommendations. As for the injections, your provider will start with cleansing your skin, and a local anesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort. The Botox or Dysport injection is then injected into the muscle in the target areas using a fine needle. The procedure itself is relatively quick and typically well-tolerated. All together, the injections themselves usually take less than 5 minutes and most of the time is spent discussing your goals and creating a plan with you.

Results and Follow-Up

The effects of Botox and Dysport are not immediate but typically start to be noticeable within five days to a week after the injection, with peak results at two weeks. The results typically last three to four months, after which repeat treatments may be necessary to maintain the benefits. At both Amélie Tigard and Vancouver, we like to see you two weeks after your first Botox or Dysport injections so that we can assess the effectiveness of the treatment and add any additional units that are needed for a perfect result.

Botox and Dysport injections provide amazing aesthetic benefits as well as the ability to relieve chronic tension and pain as well as various other medical conditions. By providing relief from muscle tension, Botox can significantly improve quality of life and overall well-being. If you’re considering Botox or Dysport treatments, consult with a qualified healthcare professional at an established medspa to discuss the potential benefits and risks, as well as to set up a treatment plan that you feel comfortable with.

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